CBD Craze: What Providers Need To Know

Majority of Americans are Familiar with CBD Products

Cannabidiol (CBD) is popping up everywhere and patients may already be asking you about it. A recent GALLUP poll conducted on the American’s Use of CBD Products represented 50% of Americans are familiar with CBD products and an additional 14% are using CBD products today.

CBD 101: Help your Patients Avoid Confusion

We surveyed many of our providers and asked them what are your patients asking you? Here are the top Frequently Asked Questions:



CBD (cannabidiol) is one of over 60 active chemical compounds (or ‘endocannabinoids’) found in the hemp plant. Different endocannabinoids target specific receptors located throughout the body.

2) Does CBD come from Marijuana or Hemp? What is the Difference Between the Two?

The major differentiator is the THC Content in the Cannabis Sativa Plant. (The Cannabis Sativa is the plant species and can be either Hemp or Marijuana depending on the levels of THC)

The simplest answer:

If the Cannabis Sativa plant is < 0.3% of THC = Hemp Plant

If the Cannabis Sativa plant is > 0.3% of THC = Marijuana Plant


3) What’s the Difference Between THC and CBD?

THC affects the brain by binding to naturally-occurring CB-1 receptors in the central nervous system. CBD is a differently-shaped molecule that binds to CB-2 receptors in cell and body tissues outside the central nervous system.


4) Will CBD get me High?

No, CBD will not get you high. THC will. THC in marijuana is found in large concentrations and is the molecule responsible for the psychoactive effects (binds to the brain cell receptors)



Most CBD products are taken orally via oil drops that are placed under the tongue and held for 60 seconds before swallowing. It is also found as a topical cream, ointment, roll-on, or is vaporized and inhaled.

6) What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a liquid cannabis extract that contains CBD and other terpenes.  It’s commonly removed from the hemp plant parts (flower, leaf, stem and seed respectively).


7) How does CBD Work?

CBD functions by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. These receptors have been found in virtually every cell and tissue type in the human body (hence the seemingly endless array of CBD uses).


8) Is CBD Legal?

CBD derived from hemp falls under The Hemp Farming Act of 2018. It removed hemp from Schedule I controlled substance opening the rapid expansion of the industry. The FDA has not approved CBD products with unproven medical claims. CBD products CANNOT make any claims to ANY health benefits and are the target of many warning letters.


9) Is CBD Natural?

Yes, CBD is a 100% naturally-occurring chemical compound that comes directly from the cannabis plant. It is not synthetically made. However, the market is heavily unregulated and patients are required to “trust” CBD product manufacturers and their voluntary vigorous testing practices.


10) Are there Side Effects of using CBD?

Because the industry is new, side effects reported are minimal and scarce. Project CBD is a non-profit organization strictly dedicated to documenting the research progress on CBD.


11) Will CBD Show up on a Drug Test?

CBD products may have THC and it is important to check with the manufacturer of the CBD and request third party tests that showcase THC ND.  This is the only way to insure THC will not appear on a drug test, with every LOT made.

Download this CBD 101 FAQ for your office as a resource for your patients.

CBD Market Pitfalls

The hemp quality dilemma is very real: many of the sourced CBD ingredients are low in potency, contain pesticide or harmful residual solvents as a byproduct from extraction. Several thousand companies offering CBD products are less than a year old and novices in the industry. CBD prices are constantly fluctuating because there are more middlemen then there are products sold, driving prices up and impacting continuous supply of quality CBD.


Preparing your Practice to Carry Good CBD Products 

3 steps to take if you decide CBD is right for your practice:

1) Selecting the right vendor:
  • Check the vendor’s state license
  • Identify the vendor’s CBD source and review testing
  • Ask where the products are manufactured
  • Ask for samples that include lot numbers and third party lab testing for the following:
    • Identity Test
    • Potency according to the label
    • Microbiology
    • Heavy Metals
    • Residual Solvents
  • Years in Business
  • CBD Product Liability Insurance Policy
2: Are you protected?

Check your policy and see if it covers provider services for CBD and CBD products.  If you’re not sure. Schedule a consult and we will review your policy for you at no cost.

3: Consent Forms & Disclosure

Make sure your office provides patients with the proper disclosure and consent forms.

The Wellness Medical Protection Group has a vigorous program that only ensures CBD companies that are qualified.  If you are interested in a list of CBD companies that have passed our standards, feel free to request more info.


Many companies will offer you the opportunity to private label CBD. What they may not tell you is that all the risk falls on the seller with the name and address on the label.  This puts the burden on you!

Overall, CBD is on the rise as if it were 2007 and BHRT all over again. Stay ahead of the industry and be smart about providing good CBD business practices at your wellness center.  Let us help you continue to tailor your freedom to practice.